All information about fitness clubs inMesa on one page. If you are looking for more information about the fitness industry inMesa,AZ, check out the detailed statistics below to get a better understanding of fitness inMesa. You can find a list of the best fitness clubs here. As you can see above, thereare a total of93 gyms located inMesa, including1 boxing gym, 6 yoga classes, 3 pilates studios. Fitness clubs are filled with all the equipment to improve your health and well-being. Let's take a closer look at the fitness industry inMesa.

Most Popular Fitness Clubs inMesa


EOS Fitness - Gilbert

  • Address:2156 E Baseline Rd, Mesa, AZ 85204
  • Phone:(480) 497-8686
  • Reviews:37

Signed up for some training sessions. I had 4 originally for the $19.75 promotion. I couldn't make it to them even told the trainers I couldn't because work and school. Ended up charging me $128.... more


Planet Fitness - Mesa, AZ

  • Address:2643 E Broadway Rd, Mesa, AZ 85204
  • Phone:(480) 219-8484
  • Reviews:36

This is the planet fitness that I was going to when I lived with my son in Arizona. This is one of the larger facilities. They have pretty much all the machines that you would possibly need.... more


Planet Fitness

  • Address:825 W University Dr, Mesa, AZ 85201
  • Phone:(480) 307-8478
  • Reviews:33

I love coming here. It is clean and the temperature is always perfect. Nice private restrooms and clean too. This gym is never over crowded, the times that i go. Lots and lots of assorted equipment to suit your needs.... more


Inspire Courts AZ

  • Address:1090 N Fiesta Blvd, Gilbert, AZ 85233
  • Phone:(480) 221-7218
  • Reviews:33

I have been practicing in this facility and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. It is nice how they have hoops and nets. As a player at Park University and practicing here everyday, the courts are nice and contained all the equipment we needed to have fun and successful practices.... more


Freestone Recreation Center

  • Address:1141 E Guadalupe Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85234
  • Phone:(480) 503-6202
  • Reviews:32

Amazing facilities. Outstanding staff. Good price. The weight are is a bit on the small side but it's great for families as it offers the cheapest option if you have children. So much to do.... more


Knockout Fitness

  • Address:1551 E Elliot Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85234
  • Phone:(480) 599-0051
  • Reviews:32

Love working out here. They have some free weights if you want to work on that tone. But my favorite is the classes. I used to do some kickboxing and Muay Thai when I was younger, but now I just like to do mitt and bag work and get a good sweat on.... more


Blast! Fitness - Mesa

  • Address:1020 W Southern Ave, Mesa, AZ 85210
  • Phone:(480) 464-6380
  • Reviews:31

This gym is so clean and nice! They have so many classes and all the equipment you need !! The employees are amazing and make you feel like you are an important part of the 1440 family.... more


LA Fitness

  • Address:445 N Stapley Dr, Mesa, AZ 85203
  • Phone:(480) 751-1992
  • Reviews:31

some buffoon thought it was a good idea to let Panda Express setup a booth right next to all the equipment. Smell made me so nauceaus, what is this planet fitness? What a huge let down for the brand in my opinion.... more


LA Fitness

  • Address:1731 S Greenfield Rd, Mesa, AZ 85206
  • Phone:(480) 635-9600
  • Reviews:31

LA fitness totally ruined this place. Took out one of the squat racks and now everyone has to wait forever. Jam packed the old equipment together and took out some great machines to make a huge crossfit area that nobody uses.... more


LA Fitness

  • Address:1844 W Rio Salado Pkwy, Mesa, AZ 85201
  • Phone:(480) 296-2381
  • Reviews:30

Some poor management decisions on what equipment to add and to get rid of. Seriously get a trainer to take inventory at all the clubs, not some staff that does not workout. Is the grass greener on other side? For me the abundance of locations keeps me coming back.... more