All information about fitness clubs inHartford on one page. If you are looking for more
information about the fitness industry inHartford,CT, check out the
detailed statistics below to get a better understanding of fitness inHartford.
You can find a list of the best fitness clubs here.
As you can see above, thereare a
total of32 gyms located inHartford, including1 boxing gym, 3 yoga classes, 1 pilates studio. Fitness
clubs are filled with all the equipment to improve your health and well-being.
Let's take a closer look at the fitness industry inHartford.
We started a membership here is very nice very clean there are alot of work out options s classes Individual training pool sauna hot tub big locker rooms. We comes here every weekend we love it and staff are very friendly to my daughter.... more
Prior to joining the studio, I had zero pole experience. Holly and John have been super supportive with building my confidence to try new skills. Holly makes the studio experience both playful and sensual by incorporating numerous games and challenges into skills training.... more
This business is very dedicated to the safety and well-being of it's members. The classes and life skills that they teach you help prepare you to be your best mentally and physically.... more
Address:983 New Britain Ave, West Hartford, CT 06110
Phone:(860) 953-0641
Member for nearly 3 years. Best value in the area! Plenty of equipment and spacious. Could be a bit cleaner. Staff is friendly.. Froendly staff . a lo t of machines you never have to wait to do your exercise... more
Hey I have a question for anybody with the answer.. I'm looking for boxing training for sport is this official training? I have never been there but i want to start boxing and work my way to amateur boxing with a license.... more
Excellent bootcamp classes - even as a beginner i was able to follow them or modify as needed. Trainers are all very different and offer different workouts which is great, never the same! Other members are friendly and also help each other as needed - I really enjoy this gym.... more
Address:635 New Park Avenue, Unit 3 - F, West Hartford, CT 06110
Phone:(860) 216-6171
Fearless Fitness is the best gym I have been to. I got bored at the big box gyms and this was the prefect fit for me. Brandon, Glenn, Laurie and Ian are great trainers, the workouts are changing all the time, you never do the same thing twice in a week or month.... more
I was extremely anxious and skeptical about having a personal trainer at a gym. But Luis at Excel Fitness made me change my mind. He was great at showing me a routine that will fit my needs.... more
Great facility very clean and organized. The people are very nice and welcoming. I took a boxing class and loved it! The trainers did a great job working with us during the class.. I started working out at Strong Fitness in February and I already feel stronger and more healthy.... more