Omar Y
October 20, 2017 06:22
I have been training here for a few years and have never been this satisfied with any other place. When I came to white dragon I at first didn't know what to expect. With time everyone here from the students to the instructors showed me a different and unique nice way to train. The instructors here are professional, polite, friendly, safe, and care about your health. If your not feeling well during a class or a workout the instructor will gladly take a moment to stop and ask if your okay and what they can do to help. If you want a tougher workout and you speak up on it, the instructors will push you to your limit. I haven't seen a single dull day here. There's always a smile on the instructors faces and they are all willing to help. Sifu Stanley, the head man of the team has himself at times taken time from his busy schedule to ask not only me but other individual students how there workout went and how they enjoyed the class. I have not seen so much professionalism in my life. You truly do get your money's worth here and i truly love it here. It's beyond wonderful here I love all the staff here and all the friendly students thank you for shaping me into the person I am today. Hopefully you can do the same for other people and this review helps as well! :)