jerry perry
March 17, 2018 10:04
I enjoy working out here. Yea, it can be a bit pricy, but that's what you get when you want to change your lifestyle. Hands down, it is much better than the BYU Student gym. That thing is smaller than my living room. But fair warning when coming to this VASA location: they don't have a pool, basketball court, racketball court, or many of the amenities that people want at a gym besides weights.
I personally pay about $30/month for me and a friend to go, but I just need to bring a friend along to make it worth it. The $20/month is so that I can have full access to everything and allows me to go to any location, so the extra $10 is definitely worth it. In reality, not too many people can't afford an extra $10/month. If you're struggling that bad, then you should probably focus on getting your finances straight before you get your workout on.
But over all, pretty good gym, just not my favorite location. If you want all of the amenities then go to the location on University in Orem right by Kohl's. Sadly, the pictures for this location like the pool, big turf field, etc. are too good to be true.