All information about fitness clubs inSaint Louis on one page. If you are looking for more information about the fitness industry inSaint Louis,MO, check out the detailed statistics below to get a better understanding of fitness inSaint Louis. You can find a list of the best fitness clubs here. As you can see above, thereare a total of42 gyms located inSaint Louis, including1 boxing gym, 5 yoga classes. Fitness clubs are filled with all the equipment to improve your health and well-being. Let's take a closer look at the fitness industry inSaint Louis.

Most Popular Fitness Clubs inSaint Louis


City Museum

  • Address:635 Locust St, St. Louis, MO 63101
  • Reviews:64

This is an unusual hodgepodge of a museum. It is located in what was a warehouse at one time so the location is huge and a good part of the space is still under development. That being said, this museum is like a labyrinth and has more variety than is seen in a typical museum and is loads of fun.... more


Fit City Gym

  • Address:1601 S Jefferson Ave, St. Louis, MO 63104
  • Phone:(314) 300-9202
  • Reviews:33

I really love the location and all of the staff is always friendly. They have a lot of equipment to choose from and it is a very neat place. Superb!!. Lived in many different cities with many different gyms .... more


BJC WellAware Center

  • Address:600 S Taylor Ave #110, St. Louis, MO 63110
  • Phone:(314) 286-0525
  • Reviews:28

Beening a African American man my experience by staff when I sign up. They were friendly but never gave me a tour of the gym. Or imform me about the 7 free day trial. Was rude when I decided to sign up the staff are unfriendly to people of color.... more


The Lab Gym

  • Address:5035 Manchester Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110
  • Phone:(314) 932-7270
  • Reviews:27

The industry will be changed forever by this gym and their trainers. The Labs model is protected within its walls for good reason. Trainer client retention is estimated 85-90% OVER 10+years.... more


The Boxing Gym

  • Address:4166 Olive St, St. Louis, MO 63108
  • Phone:(314) 534-9200
  • Reviews:26
The Boxing Gym

Great gym. Plenty of parking, great atmosphere, and tons of equipment! Staff are friendly and provide great workouts. Also a great spot for affordable personal training! Highly recommend trying their new client deals to get a feel for the space.... more


The Fitness Formula

  • Address:4630 Lindell Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63108
  • Phone:(314) 696-2700
  • Reviews:26

Awesome experience, classes are fun and will definitely get you toned. Staff is courteous and professional.. Designed really well and much better than many gym to be honest. Think about a gym by how clean it is.... more


TechArtista CWE

  • Address:4818 Washington Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63108
  • Phone:(314) 898-0933
  • Reviews:24

Good place to study. The office people dont bother you. Just find a chair and chill. Nice and quiet environment to do your work!... more


Upper Limits Indoor Rock Climbing Gym - Downtown St. Louis

  • Address:326 S 21st St, St. Louis, MO 63103
  • Phone:(314) 241-7625
  • Reviews:24

Faith had awesome jokes and was super cool. Great environment for family! CT and Dominic Cecily feels buff after making it to the top. The staff is really nice!. The climbing routes at this gym offer a good variety of options.... more


Indigo Massage and Wellness

  • Address:1901 Arsenal St, St. Louis, MO 63118
  • Phone:(314) 276-9882
  • Reviews:23

i had a question actually. i was referred to Indigo by a friend but i dont know the therapist name that did his massage. i hear she is excellent. the description i got was a short lady with short hair at the Arsenal location.... more


North Broadway Jiu Jitsu

  • Address:2324 Marconi Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110
  • Phone:(314) 660-4820
  • Reviews:23

I recently visited Bryan Guidry's gym as my first experience with BJJ. As a beginner, a skinny guy, and having recently turned 30 I had lots of reasons to potentially feel intimidated.... more