John Bradberry
October 20, 2017 10:31
I love this place. I have never liked going to the gym and working out on my own. TFW offers classes led by experienced coaches that are scripted daily so there is no wasted time in the gym. The classes usually have about 6 to 8 people and are about one hour long including warm up and finishers. The coaches, Colin, Tyler, and Cecelia, are all excellent and are genuinely interested in the progress of their students. The cost is higher than a typical gym with no coaches / instruction but much less than a personal trainer. Overall, it's a great value. The atmosphere of TFW is kind of like the TV show "Cheers," where everybody knows your name and class mates notice when you are absent. I highly recommend TFW. This place is ideal for anyone that is looking to get in shape but lacks the motivation to work out on their own.