Amy Torres
June 4, 2019 11:56
There are no Barry's boot camps in Communication Hills so the next best thing has got to be OTF! OTF is HIIT (High intensity interval training) for people of all ages. The class is divided in half between strength training and cardio. The strength training with include exercises such as rowing, squats and lunges, weight training exercises and abs. The cardio portion will alternate between walking, jogging and sprinting on the treadmill. Throughout the class, you'll be required to wear a heart monitor which will help track your heart rate, calories burned and splat points. These classes don't come cheap, but if you do sign up, you will get your monies worth because you'll be burning ~500 calories or more per class. You'll leave feeling accomplished by the end.
Your first class is not free, but rather 60% off. Your first class will come out to be $12 instead of the normal $30. Any other OTF classes outside of the Bay Area will offer you a first free class.