
Rated 5.0/5 based on 2 customer reviews.
November 6, 2019 16:42

Maria Sevilla came into massage therapy school with an amazing amount of knowledge of the human body and this led her directly to the innately talented massage therapist she is today. Weaving pilates and massage into something magical!

August 20, 2019 21:02

Maria was the person who helped me realize Pilates was going to be my way of life to help me with my chronic pain. She's seen me from the beginning of my Pilates education. I appreciate that her sessions show she's passionate about what she does. Even though I have my own studio, I love getting Pilates TLC in the form of working you hard. I love her style of teaching and appreciate the caliber of knowledge she shares in programming your session. She is a unique Master Instructor of the Pilates Method!!

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