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Rated 5.0/5 based on 19 customer reviews.
November 18, 2019 22:02

I had a great experience with the 6 week challenge at Iron Tribe Fitness! The results that I achieved in a short amount of time are quite honestly overwhelming. I recommend this program to anyone who is wanting to make a lifestyle change.

May 17, 2019 12:22

Just finished up the 6-week Challenge and it was fantastic. Very challenging, but with hard work and lots of wonderful support and encouragement from my coach Jamie, the Tribe staff, and my family, I met my goal!

I joined without hesitation, and try to do 2-3 workouts a week. I love the flexibility of several daily class options, and the app really is easy to use to schedule (or reschedule). And the classes are super fast - only 45 minutes, so I'm in and out in no time. It's a great fitness community, and I've enjoyed getting to know other Tribe members in the small classes.

Highly recommend the Challenge to jumpstart a great fitness program!

April 2, 2019 14:22

I am in my second week of the 6 Week Challenge. You Think No Drinking, No Smoking, No Fast Food would suck and be hard but its not. I am writing this review for the guy or girl that thinks they can't do it. I smoked and drank for 16 years. If i can make it through a class so can you. The coaches are awesome, responsive, they may look like they came out of a damn J-Crew Catalog, but they genuinely want to help you be better. The first week sucked but already I have more clarity and energy than I have had in a very long time. VIVA LE Iron Tribe!!!!
Big Thanks to Simon, CADE (My recommendation for a coach), Ruth, Josh and Brittany for this opportunity

May 30, 2018 16:15

Each workout pushes me all the way to the edge of my strength and stamina... and then it's over! Seriously. I feel like a damn champion every time I leave the gym. The trainers have their eyes on you the whole time, and they'll catch you and correct if you're doing something that could be done better. Because I'm seeing such great results with my training, I'm also more motivated than ever to eat really clean, healthy, wholesome food. There are no strict diet guidelines, but my body knows it needs protein and healthy fats and so that's what I'm craving. I feel strong and healthy and mentally clear. I'm hooked.

May 30, 2018 16:15

Each workout pushes me all the way to the edge of my strength and stamina... and then it's over! Seriously. I feel like a damn champion every time I leave the gym. The trainers have their eyes on you the whole time, and they'll catch you and correct if you're doing something that could be done better. Because I'm seeing such great results with my training, I'm also more motivated than ever to eat really clean, healthy, wholesome food. There are no strict diet guidelines, but my body knows it needs protein and healthy fats and so that's what I'm craving. I feel strong and healthy and mentally clear. I'm hooked.

May 23, 2018 10:14

A friend convinced me to sign up for a 6-week challenge offered by Iron Tribe Belmont. For 6 weeks, challenge participants receive free classes and learn how to work out properly. I'll admit that I was very skeptical at first. I figured I'd take some of the free classes and then be done with it. Man, was I wrong. I've become addicted to the intense nature of the classes, and I love the coaches' approachable styles and their passion for helping the students improve. I have seen increases in muscle mass and decreases in fat quickly. I intend to sign up as a full member after my free challenge ends and encourage others to do the same.

May 23, 2018 10:14

A friend convinced me to sign up for a 6-week challenge offered by Iron Tribe Belmont. For 6 weeks, challenge participants receive free classes and learn how to work out properly. I'll admit that I was very skeptical at first. I figured I'd take some of the free classes and then be done with it. Man, was I wrong. I've become addicted to the intense nature of the classes, and I love the coaches' approachable styles and their passion for helping the students improve. I have seen increases in muscle mass and decreases in fat quickly. I intend to sign up as a full member after my free challenge ends and encourage others to do the same.

May 22, 2018 18:42

I joined Iron Tribe a couple of months ago and have already seen changes. I'm stronger and can do more than I ever thought possible. What's great is everyone is welcome here and every workout is fun yet challenging. Honestly can't imagine a better place to get healthy and fit as I start the next stage of my life. Here's to being hot and fit at 45!

May 21, 2018 20:17

I started this 6 week challenge with Iron Tribe not really knowing what I was getting myself into. I basically just knew that half of the girls in my small group would be doing it and thought it would be something fun to try out. Growing up playing soccer and being part of a team environment has always been something I have been accustomed to in the past. Once I graduated college group activities in a competitive nature started to get very few and far between and was definitely something I missed being a part of. I would have to say that since joining Iron Tribe the competitive team nature of the class structure and the coaches yelling at you with encouragement to make you work harder is what keeps me going back each class. Not only have I got a chance to meet new people who enjoy working out as I do, but also get to see people being dedicated to pushing themselves each day to improve. The coaches have all been knowledgeable and awesome despite the times I have caused a ruckus over how the reps were counted or messed up the team cheer at the end of the class. I enjoy being a part of this challenge to see results in muscle strength, body fat percentage and body weight and I like that each day is something different. I truly think it has been a great way to start my day (despite the fact that I had to be up earlier than the sun occasionally) and I would highly recommend coming and giving Iron Tribe your best shot.

May 21, 2018 12:36

I have LOVED my experience at Iron Tribe so far! I am amazed at the individualized and encouraging coaching. Their commitment to their craft and to helping me accomplish my fitness goals is inspiring. I have never felt more at home with a fitness routine, and I feel consistently welcomed at Iron Tribe. I love that the competitive atmosphere is primarily framed as competing with yourself rather than competing with others, and I never feel intimidated by the exercises, as I know I can always ask for how to scale them. I always walk away feeling like I accomplished something big, and the coaches strike a great balance between celebrating our accomplishments and pushing us to be even better. Thanks for your constant support, Tribe! I cannot wait to continue getting stronger and faster!

May 21, 2018 12:36

I have LOVED my experience at Iron Tribe so far! I am amazed at the individualized and encouraging coaching. Their commitment to their craft and to helping me accomplish my fitness goals is inspiring. I have never felt more at home with a fitness routine, and I feel consistently welcomed at Iron Tribe. I love that the competitive atmosphere is primarily framed as competing with yourself rather than competing with others, and I never feel intimidated by the exercises, as I know I can always ask for how to scale them. I always walk away feeling like I accomplished something big, and the coaches strike a great balance between celebrating our accomplishments and pushing us to be even better. Thanks for your constant support, Tribe! I cannot wait to continue getting stronger and faster!

May 19, 2018 17:21

I am always up for trying out new gyms and Iron Tribe Fitness (3201 Belmont Blvd, Nashville, TN) has by FAR been one of my favorites. I love the style of workout and class structure. There are so many variations of workouts, I have not repeated a class or a movement. One of my favorite aspects about Iron Tribe Fitness (3201 Belmont Blvd, Nashville, TN) is that the workout is posted through the mobile app ahead of time. The team at the Belmont location has been fantastic, very encouraging and engaged with each member of the gym. I would recommend everyone go out and try this workout at Iron Tribe Fitness (3201 Belmont Blvd, Nashville, TN)!!

May 19, 2018 17:21

I am always up for trying out new gyms and Iron Tribe Fitness (3201 Belmont Blvd, Nashville, TN) has by FAR been one of my favorites. I love the style of workout and class structure. There are so many variations of workouts, I have not repeated a class or a movement. One of my favorite aspects about Iron Tribe Fitness (3201 Belmont Blvd, Nashville, TN) is that the workout is posted through the mobile app ahead of time. The team at the Belmont location has been fantastic, very encouraging and engaged with each member of the gym. I would recommend everyone go out and try this workout at Iron Tribe Fitness (3201 Belmont Blvd, Nashville, TN)!!

May 19, 2018 12:14

Working out is hard. Getting back in shape is hard. From the start, I have felt welcome at Iron Tribe Belmont. When I first started, I could barely do any of the exercises. The coaches were with me every step of the way! They modified workouts to my level, celebrated my successes (even the really little ones), and really got to know me.

I have lost 25 pounds since joining Iron Tribe Belmont, but I have gained so much. I have gained self-confidence. I have gained a new sense of balance. I have gained the ability to run and jump and move in ways I didn't know I could. I have gained a new girl gang who I work out with in the early mornings and who inspire me every day. My fitness journey is far from over, but I have Iron Tribe and the wonderful coaches who will guide me every step of the way.

May 19, 2018 12:14

Working out is hard. Getting back in shape is hard. From the start, I have felt welcome at Iron Tribe Belmont. When I first started, I could barely do any of the exercises. The coaches were with me every step of the way! They modified workouts to my level, celebrated my successes (even the really little ones), and really got to know me.

I have lost 25 pounds since joining Iron Tribe Belmont, but I have gained so much. I have gained self-confidence. I have gained a new sense of balance. I have gained the ability to run and jump and move in ways I didn't know I could. I have gained a new girl gang who I work out with in the early mornings and who inspire me every day. My fitness journey is far from over, but I have Iron Tribe and the wonderful coaches who will guide me every step of the way.

October 24, 2017 12:24

This is hands down one of the best overall fitness experiences I have ever had. The coaches and staff take the time to properly instruct on each of the movements and ensure that all is done safely and correctly for maximum effectiveness. The structure of the class offers a variety of fitness levels to get a challenging workout regardless of your current physical condition.

Before entering into regular classes, attendees go through a very thorough "101" course in which each of the basic movements and exercises are taught. These classes also involve very helpful guidance and insight on other topics such as diet, stretching, and goals. Over my 4 week 101 course, I lost 22 pounds of fat and also gained several pounds of muscle. I also saw amazing changes in my overall physical condition and still continue to do so now in the regular classes.

I also enjoy the IT approach on community - both in the class setting and also on a greater scale. The classes are in very much a supportive setting and the sense of togetherness is strong. IT is also involved in local and global projects, which further promote the sense of community seen in the class setting.

All in all, I think that IT offers a very ideal program for both fitness veterans as well as someone who has never set foot into anything like this. Regardless of current condition, an individual can and will see positive results quickly!

October 24, 2017 12:24

Iron Tribe is is a great gym, but it is really so much more than just a gym. It's a community.

I've been a member of Iron Tribe for almost 2 years now and I can honestly say that I would not have been able to achieve the goals that I have set for myself if I were not a member here. From the personalized instruction; to motivation in class (or even motivating me to show up); to meeting me outside of class time to work with me one on one, the coaches at Iron Tribe have helped me work towards being the best that I can be. In addition to great coaches, the other members also help push me to be better every day in every workout.

Outside of the fitness aspect, there is a true sense of community among the members and coaches. It may sound cliche, but they really do feel like my gym "family." There is always lots of laughter and fun, but also lots of encouragement and compassion as we all face challenges both inside and outside the gym.

I highly recommend Iron Tribe to anyone who is looking to be the best they can possibly be.

August 10, 2016 15:47

Iron Tribe is is a great gym, but it is really so much more than just a gym. It's a community.

I've been a member of Iron Tribe for almost 2 years now and I can honestly say that I would not have been able to achieve the goals that I have set for myself if I were not a member here. From the personalized instruction; to motivation in class (or even motivating me to show up); to meeting me outside of class time to work with me one on one, the coaches at Iron Tribe have helped me work towards being the best that I can be. In addition to great coaches, the other members also help push me to be better every day in every workout.

Outside of the fitness aspect, there is a true sense of community among the members and coaches. It may sound cliche, but they really do feel like my gym "family." There is always lots of laughter and fun, but also lots of encouragement and compassion as we all face challenges both inside and outside the gym.

I highly recommend Iron Tribe to anyone who is looking to be the best they can possibly be.

May 11, 2016 16:03

This is hands down one of the best overall fitness experiences I have ever had. The coaches and staff take the time to properly instruct on each of the movements and ensure that all is done safely and correctly for maximum effectiveness. The structure of the class offers a variety of fitness levels to get a challenging workout regardless of your current physical condition.

Before entering into regular classes, attendees go through a very thorough "101" course in which each of the basic movements and exercises are taught. These classes also involve very helpful guidance and insight on other topics such as diet, stretching, and goals. Over my 4 week 101 course, I lost 22 pounds of fat and also gained several pounds of muscle. I also saw amazing changes in my overall physical condition and still continue to do so now in the regular classes.

I also enjoy the IT approach on community - both in the class setting and also on a greater scale. The classes are in very much a supportive setting and the sense of togetherness is strong. IT is also involved in local and global projects, which further promote the sense of community seen in the class setting.

All in all, I think that IT offers a very ideal program for both fitness veterans as well as someone who has never set foot into anything like this. Regardless of current condition, an individual can and will see positive results quickly!

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