Dan Paxton
January 5, 2018 11:40
I absolutely love OTF West Nashville! Nobody REALLY wants to have to work out. I'm in my mid 50s and had been feeling older & weaker as time crept past 45 and life became more comfortable & relaxed. Realizing that I needed to get after it, I bought myself just about everything piece of equipment advertised on TV that would help with this situation called "getting older". I joined Gyms only to stand in line and wait, more conversation than workout not to mention the unspoken pecking order, ugh.Then a friend of my wife told her about OTF. My wife had been talking about a personal trainer for a year or so but that seemed a bit pricey so when we heard about OTF I thought, why not check it out, of course I sent her in 1st. After a month or so of hearing how well she like it, I jump in. Best thing I could have done for myself! OTF West Nash, I love it, folks of all age groups, 20-30 people in a class, go at your own pace but go, no ones judging you! The staff & coaches are very professional & concerned yet personal & friendly. They know me on a 1st name basis because they care about my desire to change my well being. Honestly, its like family, even the other clients that I get to workout with daily or every other day, we're all there for our reasons and we're all getting it done. When I can't go, I miss it! I feel my core strength building more with each class and I'm feeling encouraged and healthier each day. I've got more pep in my step, I've lost fat & gained muscle and all I've had to do is show up. You can try it out for free, just show up & your life will change if you want it to. JUST SHOW UP!