Emily Polkow
October 24, 2017 04:10
Honestly, 5 stars isn't enough for this place. I;ve been going to StrengthFarm since it opened about 1.5 years ago, and haven't ever looked back. Sam and the rest of the coaches pride themselves on technique first and foremost. This is rare especially in the greater Crossfit community. Sam is the back-to-back weightlifting champion in Oregon in 2015 and 2016, and he's brought all his wisdom, coaching, programming, and overall winning attitude to fruition in the form of StrengthFarm. If you're brand new, looking for something different, or an experienced athlete, why not learn from the best? There's always room to grow at StrengthFarm and to learn how to take care of your body, mind, and overall wellness all at one place. It's hard not to be inspired and motivated here. Seriously, if you're looking for a change, give StrengthFarm a shot, everyone is super welcoming, and the coaches will take care of you!
I also love that there are visible goals, and that an athlete is able to see their progress in a clear and visible way. With Sam's expert programming, a determined attitude, and healthy habits at home, you will most definitely amaze yourself here. Do not think twice. Go!