David Benson
October 25, 2017 15:08
5.0 star rating 9/1/2016
Male, female, young, middle aged, even older, you will not be disappointed with Sangha Movement, I guarantee it. As a 60+ year old male, after a year and a half of yoga practice with Jules and company, I feel like I have gained at least 10 years back on my life. If you are even remotely thinking of trying yoga, etc. at Sangha do not hesitate.
The highlights:
* a strong sense of community. We talk to each other, care about each other, and help each other.
* very excellent yoga teachers, as well as Latin dance, barre, and Pilates
* beautiful studio space
* a comforting, engaging, fun atmosphere
* always smiles and positivity as soon as you enter the studio
* next to Russo's so you can do your shopping ahead of time
* You cannot go wrong with Sangha
* There are no downsides, only down dogs