MCB Sterling
October 24, 2017 16:24
I originally was going to give this club 5 stars. However, that changed after I was told by the owner (Bill) to not come back due to words I had with another member. I happen to be a DISABLED man, and I never said anything that was offensive or harassing to another female member - especially to a married one. I steer away from those women who have boyfriends, husbands, etc. This should be a "Defamation of Character" lawsuit in the making. I mean- this club showed NO RESPECT NOR COMPASSION to those with disabilities. At first- the club is very reasonable with everything you have- and is probably the best fitness club in Honolulu - even though it's not expensive as the Honolulu Club. But, this erases EVERYTHING when they have their Yoga instructor - Cacia, sell you a membership promising all this "wonderful energy" - even AFTER I explained my disability to them (which I did NOT to disclose). I'm a VERY DIRECT person, and I speak HONESTY and I have nothing to hide. So, being a "spiritual, multi-faith, home-based Christian" - I HAD to write this "review" of them - not to lash out or seek vengeance, but to TELL THE TRUTH. A business such as this that defames a member's name and "fails to seek to understand first" without searching the REAL truth and calling a meeting between the 2 parties - it's just INJUSTICE and NOT RIGHT. Please spread the word about this. I happen to be a kidney donor (Dec. 3, 2012)- to my friend Mimi Luk in Vancouver, BC... and I'm on Social Security Disability and had nothing but abuse by women, family, friends, my own faith, and businesses (such as employers and employment agencies)- and I've been discriminated against on the grounds of sex, age, race, religion, and disability - and yet I don't "fight" it because the fight is too hard and too costly ($) for the low income that I receive. This club needs SUED and their members and future members need to recognize this. Don't be sucked into such narrow-mindedness and people who indicate that they are "there" to help you with your fitness (and in some instances- your recovery)... because they are not. This doesn't help me with my depression, anxiety, nor my PTSD, ADD, or OCD and going to Clark Hatch and working out 14 hours a week was PART of my "recovery" and they basically screwed with my life and my health on this issue - with absolutely NO apology whatsoever. Completely disappointed in their LACK of professionalism and justice for their members. :(