AAMP Logistics
October 24, 2017 15:28
Debbie the old manager that works the front desk is the most unprofessional and just outright eccentric individual I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. I have lived in Flamingo for 12 years now, and ever since she came in a few years ago, she was so rude it made me cancel my entire membership and start jogging outside instead.. after going 5 times a week for over 10 years!
To elaborate about Debbie.. over the course of these many years credit card numbers and leases change and so there will be an occasional hiccup at the front desk. Debbie will yell out at you from halfway across the gym that your credit card got declined and to get back right now to fix it! 1 time, she was even looking at the wrong screen when she barked at me, my payment was good! Not even so much as an apology. Needless to say, it's embarrassing how unprofessional the gym employee's behavior is. I can't wait until she gets fired so I can come back and not look at her old miserable, "just smelled a fart face" every morning.