Laura Stein
October 25, 2017 10:43
CCCF is a gym that cares about its people. The coaches have a genuine interest in working with you to develop and achieve your goals. Their highest priority is your safety, form, and technique, and they provide excellent feedback and attention, even during intense workouts. This place attracts amazing people, and the community provides a friendly, encouraging atmosphere that will inspire you to push yourself harder than you thought possible. Plus, if you are a woman, there is a super fun ladies night once a week!
As someone who was an extreme beginner and woefully out of shape when I joined 10 months ago, I was initially very nervous to start this program. The support and training that I received (and continue to receive) was unparalleled, and I am currently in the best shape of my life, not to mention more confident. I would absolutely recommend this gym to anyone, regardless of their skill level, but especially to those who are new to exercise. You will surprise yourself daily here, in a warm and encouraging environment with knowledgeable and skilled coaches.