Charles Yoon
October 25, 2017 14:58
Lynch fitness is a great place to work out. They focus on cardio and endurance workouts. If you feel out of shape and would like to get your cardio going, I think this is a great place to start. The trainers really keep you motivated to move and it's a different work out than what I would do on my own. I've been weight lifting for many years and have run for a couple years, but even then my cardio was not quite prepared for the different types of movements and exercises I had to do for one of the boot camps. It wore me out!
The staff is nice and friendly, and they offer individual one on one sessions if you really want that extra attention to get your form better and I couldn't recommend this place more for someone who maybe has never worked out before or someone looking to improve his or her cardio endurance. Give it a try!