Landlord MD
May 8, 2018 02:18
Horrible class availability. I signed up 3 months ago and basically have to schedule classes weeks in get on the wait list. Only the night before will I know for sure if I get in. For example, tonight, I got an 11pm notice I got into the 7am class. Really? You guys signed up so many people that you can't schedule enough classes to accommodate all your members? The front desk staff is nice, the place is clean. But if you pay hundreds of dollars a month to have less availability than my are completely misleading.
When I talked to the front-desk they suggested I use the app...and that there are 'other ways' of me getting in. I don't want other ways. I want to log-in and find a class in the next week that I can get into...CONFIRMED.
Go ahead, ask them if there is a class you can get into within the next five days with a confirmed seat. Probably not. It's that rediculous.