Mary Frances Swearingin-McClung
July 12, 2019 01:29
I absolutely LOVED the CAMP...I was so not motivated n needed a boost, tired, lazy, and in pain from being out of shape so I joined the 6 week challenge. It kinda forced me to go, I mean paying a certain amount of money got me invested, .....then I realized how the trainers keep you going, ....they ...know you by name, ....they motivate you, make toy believe in yourself, ....its a family, new friends, without partners and no judgement... .....the change seemed slow n challenging at first but I made 19 lbs... much better energy, stamina, better food habits, n now I joined for a YEAR.... I ...cant say enough, I've seen so many people there making such amazing strides, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU TRY IT...ITS WORTH EVERY $$$$