Allie Rose Grodzki
May 21, 2019 20:04
I have followed Cal Strength programs (Club, Elite, Women's -63kg) for the past 3 years. I've tried many others to see what else is out there, but keep going back to it. I love the periodization approach and continuous change (i.e., 4-6 week cycles that have a main focus and build on one another to peak athletes for competition). I started using Cal Strength as a complete beginner and through following it faithfully I was able to excel to become a National level weightlifter. The accessories, warm-ups and cool-downs are all right there for you, so there is no stress of having to add those things in on your own. Not to mention, I've attended a seminar led by 2 of their top athletes, which was extremely informative and helpful, and the coaches/operators are always very responsive and friendly. Best yet, their top-level athletes follow the same programming that is available online, so you know it's the real deal. There is no question why Cal Strength produces some of the highest level weightlifters in the country!