
Rated 2.9/5 based on 24 customer reviews.
March 16, 2020 20:34

Great place! Customer services are good! Thanks

December 5, 2019 17:59

A horrible and poorly trained staff makes this a place to avoid. Save your money and go somewhere else. I asked to use the restroom because the one in the shopping center was out of service. The girl working the counter said no. I understand why she said no as there are a lot of homeless people in the area. But I don't look homeless, so I was confused and asked for an explanation. I told her my girlfriend is a member and offered to give her my girlfriend's phone number to look it up. She still refused and because it was an emergency I had to leave before I could explain to this young woman what good customer service is. I will never return or be a member again and my girlfriend is going to cancel her membership.

August 25, 2019 22:53

I've been a member here for over 3 years now. The staff is incredible and always helpful. The weights and lifting equipment are well maintained. It doesn't get too crowded, but there are some days were you might have to wait for things to open up. I haven't taken any classes, but they seem to fill up pretty quickly.

April 8, 2019 13:35


I am a gym rat and spend about 1/3 of my life there. I'm passionate about fitness and we all go in there to have a positive experience/great workout. When you enter your "church" the tone can be set with the greeting of the front desk agent. You'd like a "Hello {name} , enjoy your workout". You don't always get it. That's fine. But when you have the same unpleasant exchange with the same agent 3 TIMES. Ok I gotta vent.
The front desk person,( male,bald headed, out of uniform )does not exhibit the standard customer service skills I typically receive from other staff.On my first exchange, I wanted to purchase a drink.. There is no greeting(hello), the register display is broken so I can't see the price, no "thank you", "do you want a receipt", or eye contact which you would expect in a typical CUSTOMER SERVICE human exchange. I dismissed this as a guy having a bad day. 2nd exchange, I buy a drink, I expect the same apathetic response, ok at least I'm prepared. Tells me the price and gives me incorrect change. It was more than 25cents. Sort of getting angry here at the ineptitude but gotta finish my workout and go to work. I ignore the exchange again.On other visits, I try to avoid this guy.Buy my drink downstairs at GNC. I don't need him to spoil my happy day and fitness zen.
So this last Sunday 4/7, I was in a bit of a rush because I had to catch a flight. I saw the guy and needed a pre-workout drink. The drink (C4)is about 4 bucks and some change. I wanted to avoid more time on this exchange as needed so I take out 6 bucks and I want to tell the guy. "I'm in a rush to workout so here's 6 bucks, I don';t need any change , thanks. " However as soon as I say "I'm in a rush...He responds YOU GOTTA WAIT". I'm off put by the response. I further attempt to clarify my intent asking if the register is working and again" YOU GOTTA WAIT". I'm shocked. Finally the register opens(again, no register display so I don;t really know the price. ) He says' "5 bucks " I give him 5 bucks and it dawns upon me that no drink is usually a flat 5 bucks. Takes my 5 bucks and says nothing. I start to walk away about 3 feet and then I ask "is there change?" . He says 17 cents and gives me the change. . At this point I EXPLODE. I acted pretty aggressively so I don't hold him accountable for any of his responses as he may have felt personally attacked. We actually argued like 2 kids, "Well you didn't say you didn't want change" and "you didn't let me finish my sentence!" I could't believe I was having this infantile argument with a person I don't even know. Walked away with a few profanities. I'm just going to point out this guy has demonstrated really poor customer service and human interaction skills. Aside from the lack of common greetings and responses you expect (Sorry sir, the register is booting up"). If you say to a person abruptly "You gotta wait" without provocation or explanation, should you not expect a negative response? I think this person should be fired. Consider this: Let someone else more deserving have this job. Is he short changing others to pocket the difference? Is he abusing other members like the elderly I see there? He does not have an aptitude for delivering customer service. Maybe he should go to law school since he was very engaged on arguing with me.
Please 24 hour. Been a member for 30+ years. Proper customer management is the differentiated component among similar fitness services. If you raise your standards you'll raise your retention.

February 9, 2019 19:43

Would not honor three day pass they offer. Would not recommend to new to the area gym seekers.

February 4, 2019 12:02

This is literally piece of garbage gym. I try to visit it for the test period and they didn't let me in because I don't have a proof that I live here. More than that, when I asked for the format of proof that I could just mail it to my landlord they had literally told me : "It's not my responsibility ". I would avoid this org for the rest of my time in San Francisco.

September 29, 2018 18:48

Rapid facility decline. Pleasant front desk staff put on a brave face. But 24Hour Bay St, SF has been spiraling down for a year. Filthy locker rooms, broken toilets, water dripping from ceiling into open containers, tens of broken cardio machines (some for months), dangerous/broken nautilus machines, vandalized and broken TV screens, and the list goes on.

See attached pics, all taken 9/19/18. UPDATED PICS 9/29. Two of the three water fountains are now broken/filthy, and more machines broken and awaiting repair.

Mgmt apparently has no plan to resolve, so unsurprisingly, members are leaving for better-run gyms elsewhere.

September 21, 2018 00:43

Rapid facility decline. Pleasant front desk staff put on a brave face. But 24Hour Bay St, SF has been spiraling down for a year. Filthy locker rooms, broken toilets, water dripping from ceiling into open containers, tens of broken cardio machines (some for months), dangerous/broken nautilus machines, vandalized and broken TV screens, and the list goes on.

See attached pics, all taken 9/19/18.

Mgmt apparently has no plan to resolve, so unsurprisingly, members are leaving for better-run gyms elsewhere.

September 10, 2018 21:58

Nice place! But..t one of the mens bathroom stall is out service for almost a month!!! It sucks.

June 12, 2018 11:47

This is the most clean 24 hr fitness I have been to. Sauna, Punching bag and usually not very busy.

June 12, 2018 11:47

This is the most clean 24 hr fitness I have been to. Sauna, Punching bag and usually not very busy.

May 24, 2018 07:04

A very nice spacious well equipped facility.
Except there is only one regular toilet for commoners and only one toilet for persons with disabilities (Men's restroom).
It would be a huge improvement if a non gender toilet with wash basin were installed on both opposite ends of the large workout spaces, for simple convenience of members needs.
Then if you had to go, you could take care of business between sets, than have to wait a turn to poop your panties in the restroom.

Also North point still has the old split lockers that are tight/small compared to the Van Ness and Market facilities.
So if you are getting off of work and have cold weather over clothes with you, bring an extra padlock to use two lockers or leave the excess stuff in your car. Unfortunately most townies don't have a car to leave stuff in because of the current plague of car break ins, they take the bus or bike, or ride share.
Approximately 25% of the lockers are broken or unserviceable, due to mistreatment, neglect, or obsolescence.

Lastly the locker facilities are poorly ventilated, it is constantly humid and musty regardless of how often it is cleaned.
A cheap solution would be to put in a couple fans to circulate the air. To avoid putting in expensive new ducts.

There is a couple null space nooks on the workout areas, that could be used for the non gender toilets, or a washer and dryer to have complimentary towels for member use. As there are others like my self that rely on the facility for its showers.
Because as a homeless person, there are no viable showers for the homeless, with the exception of the Lava Mae services.
I work a job, so I can afford a membership with 24, packing a towel is a huge burden if all your stuff is in a bag or backpack.
I make due with a small 12x18 bar towel. Basic bath towels would be a big plus for membership perks. Not that towels are complimentary like at other gyms. 24 hr usually charges a few bucks if your membership does not include "Towel Service".

Some of the male members have questionable capacity for brain function.
Such as leaving a mess in the showers, drying their clothes with the hand dryers, pooping on the toilet seats and the floor, pooping in the showers, leaving wet/soiled towels in the lockers or on the floor.
Just this morning with one toilet clogged, three were standing around waiting for the one working toilet and dorking with their zombie phones, I asked if either of them tried using the "plunger" which was sitting in the corner next to a urinal.
One did not understand or comprehend (or tried to act clueless), one said he didn't know how it worked "the plunger", the third said *it was beneathe him and his station. In other words he was another illiterate snob that would starve once civilization collapsed.
So, being a poor working class cat, I set to unplugging the clogged toilet.
2 minutes and it was cleared. Almost no effort.
I swear a lot of these so called "men" these days are pretty petty and useless at times. One would doubt that the species can survive at all.

May 24, 2018 07:04

A very nice spacious well equipped facility.
Except there is only one regular toilet for commoners and only one toilet for persons with disabilities (Men's restroom).
It would be a huge improvement if a non gender toilet with wash basin were installed on both opposite ends of the large workout spaces, for simple convenience of members needs.
Then if you had to go, you could take care of business between sets, than have to wait a turn to poop your panties in the restroom.

Also North point still has the old split lockers that are tight/small compared to the Van Ness and Market facilities.
So if you are getting off of work and have cold weather over clothes with you, bring an extra padlock to use two lockers or leave the excess stuff in your car. Unfortunately most townies don't have a car to leave stuff in because of the current plague of car break ins, they take the bus or bike, or ride share.
Approximately 25% of the lockers are broken or unserviceable, due to mistreatment, neglect, or obsolescence.

Lastly the locker facilities are poorly ventilated, it is constantly humid and musty regardless of how often it is cleaned.
A cheap solution would be to put in a couple fans to circulate the air. To avoid putting in expensive new ducts.

There is a couple null space nooks on the workout areas, that could be used for the non gender toilets, or a washer and dryer to have complimentary towels for member use. As there are others like my self that rely on the facility for its showers.
Because as a homeless person, there are no viable showers for the homeless, with the exception of the Lava Mae services.
I work a job, so I can afford a membership with 24, packing a towel is a huge burden if all your stuff is in a bag or backpack.
I make due with a small 12x18 bar towel. Basic bath towels would be a big plus for membership perks. Not that towels are complimentary like at other gyms. 24 hr usually charges a few bucks if your membership does not include "Towel Service".

Some of the male members have questionable capacity for brain function.
Such as leaving a mess in the showers, drying their clothes with the hand dryers, pooping on the toilet seats and the floor, pooping in the showers, leaving wet/soiled towels in the lockers or on the floor.
Just this morning with one toilet clogged, three were standing around waiting for the one working toilet and dorking with their zombie phones, I asked if either of them tried using the "plunger" which was sitting in the corner next to a urinal.
One did not understand or comprehend (or tried to act clueless), one said he didn't know how it worked "the plunger", the third said *it was beneathe him and his station. In other words he was another illiterate snob that would starve once civilization collapsed.
So, being a poor working class cat, I set to unplugging the clogged toilet.
2 minutes and it was cleared. Almost no effort.
I swear a lot of these so called "men" these days are pretty petty and useless at times. One would doubt that the species can survive at all.

May 11, 2018 19:52

Great place. Close to Fishermans Warf and just a good location. They also have 90 minute parking that can be validated, and that is a good thing to have as parking in SF is tough. Personel st this location is friendly as well.

May 11, 2018 19:52

Great place. Close to Fishermans Warf and just a good location. They also have 90 minute parking that can be validated, and that is a good thing to have as parking in SF is tough. Personel st this location is friendly as well.

April 26, 2018 23:48

It does the job for what it is, I have never used the locker room or that bathroom I live .5 miles away so I walk over in my gym clothes and walk back home and shower.

February 11, 2018 18:55

Believe the poor reviews, broken equipment, broken lockers, no towels unless you buy one, disgusting bathrooms, $15 for a day pass, poor service at the desk, but happy to small talk up sell me.

January 5, 2018 00:34

A very nice spacious well equipped facility.
Except there is only one regular toilet for commoners and only one toilet for persons with disabilities (Men's restroom).
It would be a huge improvement if a non gender toilet with wash basin were installed on both opposite ends of the large workout spaces, for simple convenience of members needs.
Then if you had to go, you could take care of business between sets, than have to wait a turn to poop your panties in the restroom.

Also North point still has the old split lockers that are tight/small compared to the Van Ness and Market facilities.
So if you are getting off of work and have cold weather over clothes with you, bring an extra padlock to use two lockers or leave the excess stuff in your car. Unfortunately most townies don't have a car to leave stuff in because of the current plague of car break ins, they take the bus or bike, or ride share.

Lastly the locker facilities are poorly ventilated, it is constantly humid and musty regardless of how often it is cleaned.
A cheap solution would be to put in a couple fans to circulate the air. To avoid putting in expensive new ducts.

There is a couple null space nooks on the workout areas, that could be used for the non gender toilets, or a washer and dryer to have complimentary towels for member use. As there are others like my self that rely on the facility for its showers.
Because as a homeless person, there are no viable showers for the homeless, with the exception of the Lava Mae services.
I work a job, so I got a membership with 24, packing a towel is a huge burden if all your stuff is in a bag or backpack.
I make due with a small 12x18 bar towel. Basic bath towels would be a big plus for membership perks. Not that towels be complimentary like at other gyms.

November 20, 2017 20:03

Going after work ,clean , not to crowded, the only downside people texting while working out! And they think they own the machines no consideration for the rest!!!

October 20, 2017 11:24

The area is very spread out, which is nice when the place isn't crowded but distracting during peak hours. It's somewhat difficult to find specific machines since it seems that they are randomly spread out. I have certainly had nice workouts at this location, but I would appreciate newer equipment (i.e. dumbbells that are completely rubber taped rather than rubberred around each small plate).

October 20, 2017 11:24

If you like to sweat then this is the place. I don't mean working out, they dont believe in air conditioning -unless you think 76-80 degrees and humid is what you consider normal. They actually REMOVED a fan and Now a good 1/4 of the place doesnt even get any air circulation. This is my biggest complaint of the place. If they kept it at 70, and checked on this, I would give it another star and a half.

I almost laughed when I saw someone put in a review claiming this place was clean. The lockers are probably (and it may be much longer than this) maybe every few months. The sauna is barely cleaned and left with stagnant water after cleaned (its not just mopped - its soaked). They need to clean the benches at least once a week and do some cleaning of the lockers (even light spray of disinfectant) about once a month.

October 20, 2017 11:24

Good gym to workout at. Dumbell section need and update. Everything else is fine. They have a sauna which to me is a plus. Huge cardio section, and a group fitness class with a schedule of classes.

October 20, 2017 11:24

One of the most disgusting bathrooms I have ever been in. Little to no air circulation so the bathrooms smells terrible, urine stream running from stall to drain at almost all points in time, and trash everywhere. I don't think these bathrooms are ever cleaned.

October 12, 2017 00:47

The area is very spread out, which is nice when the place isn't crowded but distracting during peak hours. It's somewhat difficult to find specific machines since it seems that they are randomly spread out. I have certainly had nice workouts at this location, but I would appreciate newer equipment (i.e. dumbbells that are completely rubber taped rather than rubberred around each small plate).

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