Mihaela Diamond
October 20, 2017 11:22
So, since the beginning of January, I have been on a quest to find a way to move and strengthen my body that was natural, fun, and that I enjoyed doing. I am someone who is motivated to work out, so that's not even a factor for me. Even so, there are many stars that need to align for that to happen: finding something that fits in your schedule, not waisting any time with waiting for a changing area if you are like me and exercise during your lunch break, remembering to sign up, to bring your workout clothes, including your socks. I am happy to say I found it! TDM on Market Street. It has everything I need- a variety of classes that I can take during my work day, as my lunch break, a nice, airy, large changing area with showers and lockers. What I love even more is the quality of the classes and the instructors. I have tried other barre classes where you move super fast, but during the 8 classes I tried, the instructors did not come by to check or correct my posture, which is super important not only to be effective, but also to prevent injury. The classes have a mindfulness quality to them, in that all the instructors help you connect you mind to what your body is doing, and you get to set your pace- whether you need to challenge yourself that day, or take it a little easier. Different than cheating, though! Honestly, I couldn't come up with something to make it better. Well, OK, maybe espresso shots before class. Seriously, I kind of love this place!