Beibhinn Steiner
October 24, 2017 13:28
I was never a girl who loved to work out. I know you have probably heard this one million times before: "Oh, I hated working out until I found this amazing place and now I feel awesome and I can't imagine not working out everyday!" As cliche and rehearsed as it sounds, however, it's actually the truth in regards to Fitsom Studios.
I moved to Sacramento last year and when the new year started, I decided it was time for me to start working out in order to feel and look better.
I drove past Fitsom everyday seeing their "Look Good Naked!" sign and I thought, "yeah, I wanna look good naked!" and so decided to join the craziness that is Fitsom.
The entire staff has an insane enthusiasm for fitness and nutrition and I am being serious when I say that I have never looked or felt better. Not only is the staff welcoming and kind and knowledgable, but the fellow clients here at Fitsom are amazing!
Fitsom is the best place to workout and I have turned into that girl who loves to workout every day (well, except Saturday and Sunday because, come on, that's just insane).
So, drop on by! You should come in, meet everyone and see the awesome workouts we're doing! Also, I guarantee that after working out here, your butt will look AMAZING. No, I mean like really amazing.
Fitsom rocks!