Elena McFadden
December 6, 2018 01:06
Kinder Capoeira classes are amazing. Mestre teaches in this amazing way with this incredible storytelling that is unlike any other magical childhood experience I've been able to find for my children. My kids love every single part of the class, they are literally grinning ear to ear or actually laughing and giggling out loud the entire time. Do yourself a favor and take your kids to the 20 days for $20 and see for yourself, magical, spectacular, indescribably beautiful. They like gymnastics (Planet Gymnastics) but they LOVE capoeira! It's dance, it's martial arts, it's language (they can both count to 10 in portugese and we regularly refer to "go around the hoda"), but I think the part that makes me the most enthusiastic is the magical storytelling, it is so precious, and so nearly impossible to find other than for the tiny fortunate few who win a waldorf lottery. Make it happen, you'll be so blown away. The ONLY criticism is the pricing system is not really friendly towards the way kids' schedules really work with other sports' seasons, vacations, whatever, my next email is to the studio with some brainstorms about how this could be improved.