Mellisa Poddar
October 25, 2017 14:56
Hi It Was Saturday morning, I stop by the gym to explore option . The guy in the front desk was ROBERT SUNDAY. His tone of voice was not good , first of all he did not say any thing to greet a customer. I ignored that , I explained to me him that my location will change after 2 month , can you please look up the zip code from another area to Fitness club at carmichael. He didn't have patience or give the service . He was extremely rude to me started yelling on me and told I will not help and I have the right to refuse service to any one, and he called police.
It was very much humiliating for me , I was failed to understand him is he ok or How could he talk to the customer like that .
He is just an employee neither the owner but over power his title by saying that I Am The Manager . The refuge to right the service does apply to all the business. I was in appropriate cloth no harm or no issue but he profiled me and treated me like this . What a jerk he is .
I also called head office and will file a civil law suit against them it's called creating hatred feeling by calling police for no reason.