Shirley Lam
October 25, 2017 14:40
I haven't worked out in over 7 years. When I finally decided to jump into working out recently, I realized that I should work out with a personal trainer so I don't injure myself and target the areas I wanted to work on.
SuperSlow Zone is different than most "gyms". There isn't a bunch of people trying to work out at the same time. So far, I have not encountered more than one other person in there while I'm working out. There also aren't any mirrors in the room, so you don't need to worry about other people watching you work out. Also, the facility is really clean and does not smell!
I use about 5-6 machines each session and have 2 different routines. They recommend coming in twice a week with 72 hours gap in between each session. My amazing trainer, Don, helps me keep track of my time, weight, and machine settings on his iPad, so I don't need to worry about any of that. I just need to focus on working out; reaching failure and hold for 10 more seconds or 3 minutes, whichever comes first. They will also email you the chart with the time and weight info so you can see your progress.
Originally I was a little hesitant to do resistance training because I was scared that I would bulk up like the body builders. But actually, it just made me lose fat and tone up, which is what I wanted. I also reached my goal a couple weeks in, which I am super happy about. The results definitely keep me motivated. I have been coming here for 2 months now, and will continue to keep coming, even though I need to drive in 2 hours of traffic after work. It's totally worth it, and I highly recommend you to come work out here as well!