All information about fitness clubs inPlacentia on one page. If you are looking for more information about the fitness industry inPlacentia,CA, check out the detailed statistics below to get a better understanding of fitness inPlacentia. You can find a list of the best fitness clubs here. As you can see above, thereare a total of5 gyms located inPlacentia, including1 yoga class. Fitness clubs are filled with all the equipment to improve your health and well-being. Let's take a closer look at the fitness industry inPlacentia.

Most Popular Fitness Clubs inPlacentia


The Camp Transformation Center Anaheim

  • Address:3361 E Miraloma Ave, Anaheim, CA 92806
  • Phone:(657) 216-2537
  • Reviews:24

Amazing Place.... Work hard, play hard. Staff and trainers will push you in an effort to help you reach healthy goals. Rotating sessions mean you can always experience something new.... more


Twins CrossFit

  • Address:3472 E Orangethorpe Ave, Anaheim, CA 92806
  • Phone:(657) 263-4600
  • Reviews:15

Amazing coaches! They always give personal attention to each individual members when it comes to making sure the movement are being done safely and correctly every time. The daily workout is always a challenge and not to mention that the coaches will always challenge you to step out of your comfort zone.... more


Happy Flow Yoga

  • Address:1290 N Kraemer Blvd, Placentia, CA 92870, United States
  • Phone:(714) 356-2549
  • Reviews:9
Happy Flow Yoga

Happy Flow Studio is a great environment to practice yoga. The staff is friendly, very caring. and knowledgeable. They treat everyone with great respect and care. I have never had a bad experience, and I will continue my yoga practice @Haapy Flow.... more


Tribe High Definition

  • Address:3452 E Orangethorpe Ave, Anaheim, CA 92806, United States
  • Phone:(714) 814-0155
  • Reviews:3

Best training and trainer to work with.... more


The Timbers Fitness Center

  • Address:2001 Deerpark Dr, Fullerton, CA 92831
  • Reviews:0