Galina Marcus
January 27, 2018 13:00
UPD 1/27/2018: I received a call from the CEO/owner herself this morning. She apologized for how her employees have treated me, she settled my account and made things right. It's nice to know that on the top level Club Pilates is meant to provide a good customer service. Hopefully, on the local level club managers will pick up the pace. I change my rate from one star to three for now.
1/26/2018: They wouldn't cancel my account and keep charging me for subscription I no longer use. After a long chain of emails when I tried to wave a 30-day notice fee (basically a month-worth of classes) for cancelling my subscription that I haven't been using for a month already, I finally agreed to pay. 10 days later I noticed in my online profile that they have scheduled a next month payment as well. There is no way you can just cancel it online, you have to call, email or show up to figure things out.
Classes are good, but the management and customer service are terrible.