aaron angus
October 23, 2017 08:03
I like many, I had a misconception on what being fit meant. I was always into athletics and thought the traditional way of training was the path to staying "fit", "in shape" and out of pain, but when i hit my 30's and that training only caused me more pain and imbalances, I searched out a solution. I found functional patterns. Well functional patterns is what it sounds like, a way to reprogram a functional pattern into your body based on the biology of our human bodies. Should you be in pain as you get older, with postural dysfunctions taking over as you age? Well learning and training at functional patterns you realize that this is not true. If want to live a sustainable life as you age, become fit as the body was meant to function, check out functional patterns with an open mind, and your body will follow. I cannot recommend this place enough!