McKenzie Brickl
July 29, 2019 14:23
Some decent coaches (and some we've loved) but this place seems to be poorly run from the top down. Random weeks off (same cost for parents whether classes are in session or not) for summer break, holidays, gym clean up, etc. Rather than prorate the monthly fee, they offer to let families come in during a designated time once a week, to join a mixed-skills class and go through rotations.
I have no idea if coaches are paid for these forced breaks - I certainly hope they are.
Within the "leveling up" system, there are clear guidelines for promotion to next level but those guidelines are not followed by staff. For their "competitive star league" - make sure your child's group will have more than 6 kids as scoring skews in favor of larger groups and literally penalizes smaller teams (lowest scores dropped from larger groups - not so for smaller teams, so averages are elevated when more kids are on a team). I engaged with the leader of the Star League program and was told that they're always searching for ways to improve the system" but my recommendation seems to have been roundly disregarded.
For parents spending hours at SGA, it's a small thing, but the benches for viewing are child-sized (not fit for adults) so they are UNCOMFORTABLE and downright impossible if you have any knee, ankle, or back issues.
I appreciate the skills my kids have developed here--balance, cartwheels, continuing despite repeated failure (see above for scoring system)--but also have been very frustrated by the poor communication, the "always irritated" girls behind the counter (even annoyed when told that kids received an electric shock from a water fountain), and frankly, I'd expect more from a program at this price.