Moneeca Jones
February 24, 2020 19:56
Membership has hiked it's way up from $84 to $98 to $108 for an individual the past few years. The childcare cutoff age is 8 years there still is a gap in the older kids/tween department. Other facilities offer supervised care through age 12, or allow the older child to come with you for a class. So that's something to consider. In addition, if you do want to take unlimited classes, that is $34 a month. If you just want equipment use, pool, no kids in tow, a gymnasium with b-ball games etc, then the $104 rate is what you'd pay. If you're a parent, you will pay for the childcare, which is currently ages 2-8. The pool here is well kept and , it's basic vs other locations in terms of no slides, but the showers get hot and it is a family friendly environment. There aren't gym type people here, all are welcome the same...I do wish the city would offer local residents more bang for our buck and extend programing for a broader audience range, making the rec more accessible for single parents and grandparents with their grandkids. Depending on WHAT you need, this may be a great deal. Read what is included, talk to other parents etc. and see what will work for your budget and situation.