Pharen Barron
August 9, 2018 20:35
I live about a mile from the recreation center and it is very convenient, but I will drive 30 minutes to get to a better facility, if needed. An organization is only as strong as their weakest link and Ms. Rebecca is really bringing this place down. Ms. Rebecca is a woman who wears a blue, STAFF shirt and works in Aquatics. Positive interactions with all the members of this facility are super important to keeping this place open. My daughter attends a great class with Ms. Margaret, but it is overshadowed by the distasteful interaction I had with Rebecca, who has a position of leadership that she does not uphold.
***Her approach to "policing" parents coming in the pool with the work clothes on, seems to follow a line too close to approaching only people that she feels superior to based on race. I would love to remind her that there is only one race - the human race. So, if she gets to keep her position at this facility, some improvements need to be made to her motives of how she decides to "police" people.***
***Incident: earlier this evening. ***Details: My 2 year old attended her swim session and I accompanied her. My husband showed up some time after the lesson (about halfway through the 30 minute session) in his works clothes (Coca Cola Polo Shirt and grey, khaki shirts), like many other parents that come after work. Ms. Rebecca only had the courage to speak to my husband and ask him to leave, but seemed nervous to approach any of the other FOUR parents that stood by in every outfit ranging from business clothes to jeans and loafers. I know we are supposed to be in a post-racial society, but let me just make everyone aware that this woman only had the confidence to someone that she considered of lower-class than her. She isn't the most presentable woman in the world, as she had on loose, jean shorts with her STAFF shirt. So, she never approached any of the other parents who lacked melanin in their skin. My daughter and I left the swim lesson about 5 minutes early once I noticed what had occurred. My husband didn't say a peep and left, but he had the carseat tonight so I had to leave with our ride. Fortunately, he was fine with waiting outside but that should have never happened. I went back in after I got the go-ahead from my husband, but I only went to speak with Rebecca and to give my daughter a chance to have some more fun in the pool. Rebecca said that the other parents all had compelling stories of them picking up their kids early and so she let them stay (that was a lie that she made up because she never spoke with them!) I guess that my husband should have told his sob-story, too and he would have never been asked to leave. He was way off to the side, not in the way just like every other parent. MS. REBECCA TOOK NO URGENCY TO ASK ANY OF THE NON-BLACK PARENTS TO LEAVE THE SIDE OF THE POOL AREA. SHE ACTED JUST LIKE A YOUNGER CHILD WOULD BE NERVOUS TO TELL AN OLDER CHILD TO FOLLOW THE RULES, BECAUSE OF THEIR DIFFERENT STATUS. WHEN SHE APPROACHED MY HUSBAND SHE THEN ACTED LIKE AN OLDER CHILD CONFIDENT TO LAY DOWN THE LAW. She claimed she was doing her best "policing" the parents, but I stuck around about 45 minutes after the incident and saw none of that occur. In my line of work, Ms. Rebecca would be sat down to have an educated discussion of where her mindset is when it comes to matters of Equal Opportunity.