Kristen Contreras
May 27, 2019 13:02
I chose to start training in Muay Thai at Global because a good friend and colleauge is an instructor there and as a LEO, I wanted to train for not only my physcial and mental health but for my job as well. Jan 2019, I signed not only myself but my husband as well. I kind of forced him to try and he is the kind of guy who hates being thrown into something he was not prepared for or did some research on. We both signed up for the starter pack and immediately fell in love with the environment, the people and instructors. Now 4 months later my husband and I together earned our thai shorts! Not only has it bought us closer together, it has also given me the physical and mental confidence in my job and overall well being. The instrcutors are amazing and the affiliations and reputation of the gym speaks for itself. This is not like any other commercialized "boxing" gym. You gain rank, can train in other martial arts such as Max Defence, Gracie Jiu Jitsu, philipino martial arts and learn culture. Thank you Global and the Gloabl Family for taking us in and making us better in every aspect of me and my husbands life.