Mon 05:30 am - 07:30 pm
Tue 05:30 am - 07:30 pm
Wed 05:30 am - 07:30 pm
Thu 05:30 am - 07:30 pm
Fri 05:30 am - 06:30 pm
Sat 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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Rated 5.0/5 based on 17 customer reviews.
July 1, 2018 22:53

I have been working out at Crossfit Overtake for over a year. I had never done Crossfit before and was very far outside of my comfort zone. I literally signed up for this gym because it was close to my house and with my long commute I needed to shave off time anywhere I could. I can honestly say this experience has changed my life. When I started, my body was breaking down at 28 years young from desk work. I felt physically terrible every morning and it was affecting me mentally and emotionally. I am now in the best shape of my life at 30 years old and hope to continue building myself up in every way. I have built mental toughness and discipline that have changed the way I eat, sleep, work, and think. I still have a long road ahead of me, but I am very excited to see what I can become in the future.

The staff at this gym are top notch and will do everything to help you grow. They have developed at culture among the staff and members that instills mental toughness and humility. This gym is tough and the coaches will not hold back if there is a teaching opportunity. You will get brutal honesty, and you will grow from it. The only people that should not come to this gym are those with big egos and those who can't own their mistakes. You can be weak in every way, but it you have the right attitude, everyone at this gym will help you become a better athlete and person.

July 1, 2018 22:53

I have been working out at Crossfit Overtake for over a year. I had never done Crossfit before and was very far outside of my comfort zone. I literally signed up for this gym because it was close to my house and with my long commute I needed to shave off time anywhere I could. I can honestly say this experience has changed my life. When I started, my body was breaking down at 28 years young from desk work. I felt physically terrible every morning and it was affecting me mentally and emotionally. I am now in the best shape of my life at 30 years old and hope to continue building myself up in every way. I have built mental toughness and discipline that have changed the way I eat, sleep, work, and think. I still have a long road ahead of me, but I am very excited to see what I can become in the future.

The staff at this gym are top notch and will do everything to help you grow. They have developed at culture among the staff and members that instills mental toughness and humility. This gym is tough and the coaches will not hold back if there is a teaching opportunity. You will get brutal honesty, and you will grow from it. The only people that should not come to this gym are those with big egos and those who can't own their mistakes. You can be weak in every way, but it you have the right attitude, everyone at this gym will help you become a better athlete and person.

October 25, 2017 15:35

Great gym with some of the best coaching around! Be prepared to get a great workout and leave your ego at the door. Coach Marco and Alex will teach you to move some heavy weight while making sure your technique is perfect. Crossfit Overtake has changed my life for the better in many ways. #beanathlete

October 25, 2017 15:35

There is no place like Crossfit overtake. Everyday I walk through the doors I am inspired whether by the coaches or the members. The programming and workouts are challenging and top notch, but more importantly to me, the values and standards upheld here are unlike any other gym and have literally changed my life. The coaches truly care about the members and give us all so much more than just a good workout everyday. I recommend overtake to anyone who is looking to be the best person they can be.

October 25, 2017 15:35

I travel a lot - have seen 150 gyms in the last two years. I talk to gym owners whenever I drop in. A lot of times in my conversations with them, they'll ask me what my favorite gym is. It's a loaded question because each gym is so wildly different. I have to help them define what they mean by favorite - Total package? Friendly Members? Creativity of programming? Nice facility? What are we really talking about here?

Eventually, they all land on "total package" - mainly because I offer that as the first suggestion. I go in order of the string above...and almost all bite on the first trait, no matter what it is. I finally figured that I'd load it so I could always talk about the very best. Without blinking I tell them it's my home gym back in Texas.

You might think this glowing review is somewhat self serving. Trust me, they aren't going to be any easier on me in the workouts because I write good things about the gym. I probably take as much grief as anyone else in the joint regardless of what I'll say here.

First off, understand that I have the benefit of seeing multiple classes, and have been through a couple different training cycles at OverTake. I don't have that same experience at other boxes. However, I'm always watching...I see how they treat members and walk-ins. In turn, I see how they respond to coaches. I feel the vibe when I walk in based on what I hear during warm ups, and those quiet moments when coaches or members think no one is listening. I pay attention to the email replies I'm sent, and how those come across. I also look at their website, WODS, equipment, retail space, and other niceties. In short, I'm in total first impression mode at all times in any gym I go to.

Those experiences have only reinforced what I already have come to realize: CrossFit OverTake is my favorite gym...and it's not close.

The first two things you need to know before you come in are simple. The owner, Marco Coppola, is demanding of both his athletes and coaches...and either you love it or hate it. Those that hate go elsewhere, those that see past his smack talk, and need to be right all the time - stay, they get better, and love it. He has absolutely helped me improve, from little corrections and advice - to flat out head up I stay, and love it.

The second thing you need to know: There is no wasted time or movement. When you come, you better be ready to go, because the coaches have the classes moving at a brisk pace. The hour class feels like two hours of's incredible to witness and be part of. They run an extraordinarily tight ship - and it shows in the results. This is the biggest culture shock I see when people come visit...and the biggest difference from almost every other gym I've been to.

From a results perspective: I can do things at 39 years old that I would not have been able to do as a teenager. I still hit PRs on a weekly basis, and I can actually see the physical change in the mirror. I finished 25,000th in the world in the Open - which I was stoked about (I was in the mid 50k range prior year) - and that was only good for 15th place on our gym leaderboard. I'm literally the best I've ever been, and there are still at least 14 people in the gym better than me. That's mind blowing. Many of these guys and gals are exponentially better - by such degrees of magnitude that it's not even close.

It's one of those things that has to be experienced in person to really understand. I could try to explain it all - from the supportive relationships, to the great coaching and programming, to the nutrition help, and competitiveness among members - but that would still not do it justice. If you CrossFit, OverTake should be on your must hit list. Period.

October 25, 2017 15:35

Before starting at CrossFit OverTake I was 100% non-athlete. I had never been in a weight-room before, didn't do athletics or club sports in school, and quite literally had to say: "Jerk? Is that the overhead one?" during my first week (okay..weeks) at the gym. I did my first month with a PVC pipe because I was unable to lift a barbell over my head. Fast forward to present day (and while I'm still learning and improving every day) I can say I can do lots of cool and strong things, including snatches, jerks, cleans, etc. that I thought I would NEVER be able to do. The "can do" attitude and policy of the coaches makes all the difference and turned this non-athlete into one (I also look and feel awesome too :)).

Do yourself a favor and change your life; I guarantee you won't find a better group of coaches whose number 1 goal is to make you a better and stronger version of yourself.

October 25, 2017 15:35

Gym: All the stuff you need to get an exceptional workout. The owner Marco Coppola is doing what he loves and it is obvious that he loves what he is doing, as he's created an exceptional environment to improve all aspects of your fitness regardless of age. The programming is challenging. I can do things I never thought were possible. It has a healthy dose of competitiveness, which helps drives members to be better.

Coach: My 5 am Coach is Alex. She is passionate, professional, knowledgeable, motivating, practices what she preaches, punctual, persistent, direct, funny, and genuinely cares about her athletes performance. I can count on the consistent and constructive feedback I get from her each morning, even if I can't fix the fault on the first try I know she will keep pushing me until I get it! Great Coaching and a Great person... Ales is wise beyond her years!

Community: The members are awesome. I spend an hour each morning (M-F) with these folks, and I can honestly say that I feel lucky to start my day off with the 5 am "early birds"... The community as a whole is very social and active... I've been to other class times and the same hold true. The gym has also hosted a few charity events, which had a huge turnout, so these guys all like to give back when they can too...

Overall: The owner, coaches and gym all deserve five stars and if anyone that reads this is serious about getting better you need to drop in and experience this place for yourself.

October 8, 2015 21:04

There is no place like Crossfit overtake. Everyday I walk through the doors I am inspired whether by the coaches or the members. The programming and workouts are challenging and top notch, but more importantly to me, the values and standards upheld here are unlike any other gym and have literally changed my life. The coaches truly care about the members and give us all so much more than just a good workout everyday. I recommend overtake to anyone who is looking to be the best person they can be.

October 8, 2015 21:04

There is no place like Crossfit overtake. Everyday I walk through the doors I am inspired whether by the coaches or the members. The programming and workouts are challenging and top notch, but more importantly to me, the values and standards upheld here are unlike any other gym and have literally changed my life. The coaches truly care about the members and give us all so much more than just a good workout everyday. I recommend overtake to anyone who is looking to be the best person they can be.

October 8, 2015 20:20

Gym: All the stuff you need to get an exceptional workout. The owner Marco Coppola is doing what he loves and it is obvious that he loves what he is doing, as he's created an exceptional environment to improve all aspects of your fitness regardless of age. The programming is challenging. I can do things I never thought were possible. It has a healthy dose of competitiveness, which helps drives members to be better.

Coach: My 5 am Coach is Alex. She is passionate, professional, knowledgeable, motivating, practices what she preaches, punctual, persistent, direct, funny, and genuinely cares about her athletes performance. I can count on the consistent and constructive feedback I get from her each morning, even if I can't fix the fault on the first try I know she will keep pushing me until I get it! Great Coaching and a Great person... Ales is wise beyond her years!

Community: The members are awesome. I spend an hour each morning (M-F) with these folks, and I can honestly say that I feel lucky to start my day off with the 5 am "early birds"... The community as a whole is very social and active... I've been to other class times and the same hold true. The gym has also hosted a few charity events, which had a huge turnout, so these guys all like to give back when they can too...

Overall: The owner, coaches and gym all deserve five stars and if anyone that reads this is serious about getting better you need to drop in and experience this place for yourself.

October 8, 2015 20:20

Gym: All the stuff you need to get an exceptional workout. The owner Marco Coppola is doing what he loves and it is obvious that he loves what he is doing, as he's created an exceptional environment to improve all aspects of your fitness regardless of age. The programming is challenging. I can do things I never thought were possible. It has a healthy dose of competitiveness, which helps drives members to be better.

Coach: My 5 am Coach is Alex. She is passionate, professional, knowledgeable, motivating, practices what she preaches, punctual, persistent, direct, funny, and genuinely cares about her athletes performance. I can count on the consistent and constructive feedback I get from her each morning, even if I can't fix the fault on the first try I know she will keep pushing me until I get it! Great Coaching and a Great person... Ales is wise beyond her years!

Community: The members are awesome. I spend an hour each morning (M-F) with these folks, and I can honestly say that I feel lucky to start my day off with the 5 am "early birds"... The community as a whole is very social and active... I've been to other class times and the same hold true. The gym has also hosted a few charity events, which had a huge turnout, so these guys all like to give back when they can too...

Overall: The owner, coaches and gym all deserve five stars and if anyone that reads this is serious about getting better you need to drop in and experience this place for yourself.

October 8, 2015 17:47

Each week begins and ends with CrossFit OverTake. The programming, coaches, facility and amazing members, this box has it all. The high sets in as soon as the alarm goes off on Monday morning. Let's pull up Wodify and see what we are in store for so we can set a strategy for the WOD that will be happening that evening close to 12 hours later. Within the first 10 minutes of class, you will find yourself doing rounds of 155# squat cleans, up to 80 double unders or 30 free hand stand shoulder taps and this is just the warm up! (scaling available as needed.) Nothing can quite match kicking off the week hitting back squat or snatch PR's with your WOD partner. That "buzz" lasts for days! Now that you survived the first half of class, most metcons include at least one awesome heavy strength movement in them. The week continues on and the positive energy from everything CrossFit OverTake has to offer shapes your life every single day. You wake up each day truly grateful that you are able to continue to do this and be surrounded by such outstanding coaches and people. If you are dropping in or looking for the perfect CrossFit box to call home, you definitely found the best one around.

October 8, 2015 13:42

Before starting at CrossFit OverTake I was 100% non-athlete. I had never been in a weight-room before, didn't do athletics or club sports in school, and quite literally had to say: "Jerk? Is that the overhead one?" during my first week (okay..weeks) at the gym. I did my first month with a PVC pipe because I was unable to lift a barbell over my head. Fast forward to present day (and while I'm still learning and improving every day) I can say I can do lots of cool and strong things, including snatches, jerks, cleans, etc. that I thought I would NEVER be able to do. The "can do" attitude and policy of the coaches makes all the difference and turned this non-athlete into one (I also look and feel awesome too :)).

Do yourself a favor and change your life; I guarantee you won't find a better group of coaches whose number 1 goal is to make you a better and stronger version of yourself.

October 8, 2015 13:42

Before starting at CrossFit OverTake I was 100% non-athlete. I had never been in a weight-room before, didn't do athletics or club sports in school, and quite literally had to say: "Jerk? Is that the overhead one?" during my first week (okay..weeks) at the gym. I did my first month with a PVC pipe because I was unable to lift a barbell over my head. Fast forward to present day (and while I'm still learning and improving every day) I can say I can do lots of cool and strong things, including snatches, jerks, cleans, etc. that I thought I would NEVER be able to do. The "can do" attitude and policy of the coaches makes all the difference and turned this non-athlete into one (I also look and feel awesome too :)).

Do yourself a favor and change your life; I guarantee you won't find a better group of coaches whose number 1 goal is to make you a better and stronger version of yourself.

October 8, 2015 13:31

I travel a lot - have seen 150 gyms in the last two years. I talk to gym owners whenever I drop in. A lot of times in my conversations with them, they'll ask me what my favorite gym is. It's a loaded question because each gym is so wildly different. I have to help them define what they mean by favorite - Total package? Friendly Members? Creativity of programming? Nice facility? What are we really talking about here?

Eventually, they all land on "total package" - mainly because I offer that as the first suggestion. I go in order of the string above...and almost all bite on the first trait, no matter what it is. I finally figured that I'd load it so I could always talk about the very best. Without blinking I tell them it's my home gym back in Texas.

You might think this glowing review is somewhat self serving. Trust me, they aren't going to be any easier on me in the workouts because I write good things about the gym. I probably take as much grief as anyone else in the joint regardless of what I'll say here.

First off, understand that I have the benefit of seeing multiple classes, and have been through a couple different training cycles at OverTake. I don't have that same experience at other boxes. However, I'm always watching...I see how they treat members and walk-ins. In turn, I see how they respond to coaches. I feel the vibe when I walk in based on what I hear during warm ups, and those quiet moments when coaches or members think no one is listening. I pay attention to the email replies I'm sent, and how those come across. I also look at their website, WODS, equipment, retail space, and other niceties. In short, I'm in total first impression mode at all times in any gym I go to.

Those experiences have only reinforced what I already have come to realize: CrossFit OverTake is my favorite gym...and it's not close.

The first two things you need to know before you come in are simple. The owner, Marco Coppola, is demanding of both his athletes and coaches...and either you love it or hate it. Those that hate go elsewhere, those that see past his smack talk, and need to be right all the time - stay, they get better, and love it. He has absolutely helped me improve, from little corrections and advice - to flat out head up I stay, and love it.

The second thing you need to know: There is no wasted time or movement. When you come, you better be ready to go, because the coaches have the classes moving at a brisk pace. The hour class feels like two hours of's incredible to witness and be part of. They run an extraordinarily tight ship - and it shows in the results. This is the biggest culture shock I see when people come visit...and the biggest difference from almost every other gym I've been to.

From a results perspective: I can do things at 39 years old that I would not have been able to do as a teenager. I still hit PRs on a weekly basis, and I can actually see the physical change in the mirror. I finished 25,000th in the world in the Open - which I was stoked about (I was in the mid 50k range prior year) - and that was only good for 15th place on our gym leaderboard. I'm literally the best I've ever been, and there are still at least 14 people in the gym better than me. That's mind blowing. Many of these guys and gals are exponentially better - by such degrees of magnitude that it's not even close.

It's one of those things that has to be experienced in person to really understand. I could try to explain it all - from the supportive relationships, to the great coaching and programming, to the nutrition help, and competitiveness among members - but that would still not do it justice. If you CrossFit, OverTake should be on your must hit list. Period.

October 8, 2015 13:22

Great gym with some of the best coaching around! Be prepared to get a great workout and leave your ego at the door. Coach Marco and Alex will teach you to move some heavy weight while making sure your technique is perfect. Crossfit Overtake has changed my life for the better in many ways. #beanathlete

October 8, 2015 13:22

Great gym with some of the best coaching around! Be prepared to get a great workout and leave your ego at the door. Coach Marco and Alex will teach you to move some heavy weight while making sure your technique is perfect. Crossfit Overtake has changed my life for the better in many ways. #beanathlete

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