October 25, 2017 04:05
Previous cross fiter wanting to get back into the rush of cross-fit. The difference between then and now- then I was younger, somewhat fit, and ready to push threw anything.... now- overcoming thyroid surgery, the exhausting side effects, and the weight gain- but still have the drive to push. After contacting several locations, I joined west Plano due to location and coaching team. Felt at home the moment I walked in, like I have been there all along. Never felt lost in the shuffle. So I did it, I jumped on board with the elements class and to my surprise, I was doing it all wrong previously. I was coached by Emily and Niki on 'how to'--- the correct way. I learned more in 3 days then I did the few months I was part of another box. Everyone needs something different to be successful, and they will figure it out with you. From supplements, to lifts, to squats.... I have never felt more coached, and safe then I do here. Happy I found my box!