Jay DeSimone
March 14, 2018 08:47
Like others, I showed up yesterday, 03/12/2018, to a large section of the gym closed off. There was a trainer and one person working out. I was told I needed to pay extra to access this "cross fit" style section of the gym. The extra fee would more than double the cost of my membership. According to this trainer, there is added value in this area. Unfortunately, there is very little value to the remainder of the gym. They have one squat rack(power rack) in the other sections. The bars are inadequate, a couple are bent, machines are often broke or in need of maintenance. I started working out here in 2004 when it was White Rock Athletic Club. When LA Fitness opened I moved over there as it was cleaner and had much better equipment for a very similar price. WRAC/Impact is an ideal location. However, it just lacks what I needed.... nice squat racks, deadlift areas, etc. I moved away and came back to TX in 2015. I checked out Impact and joined because of this "Cross Fit" area and it's close to my home. If this area was not there, I would have gone elsewhere. I could now do deadlifts, and they had adequate squat racks. They've recently added new plates and bars along with other items this area. I was excited as I was watching them unbox things. Then, they closed the section. I now need to more than double my membership fees to use the same area and perform the same exercises I've been doing for the last 3+ years? The "trainer" admitted the remainder of the gym was highly inadequate and needs a major overhaul. I doubt this will ever happen. Ownership and trainers have been saying this for years. The biggest changes outside of the CrossFit area has been the sign change out front from WRAC to Golds to Impact. Outside this "CrossFit" area, the gym is pretty lousy. Broken and/or poorly maintained equipment. Generally not very clean. I hate to leave due to the convenient location, but the value is just not there any longer.