Janella Baxter
July 30, 2019 12:42
PBT offers excellent community adult ballet classes for a wide range of abilities -- beginner to advanced. The quality of instruction is very high -- comparable to other superb institutions like Lou Conte in Chicago. My only complaint is that they use a security service to police the space. Instead of communicating directly with patrons, PBT pays security guards to enforce weird rules. For example (and this is just one of several), patrons are not permitted to be near studios during youth/teen classes. This would be fine, except you are not informed of the policy until a security guard comes by and forces you away from the space. Not only does this make patrons feel like PBT is not a welcoming place for everyone, it's also just strange. Dance is a performance art -- it is meant to be observed. Observing other students is an important way to learn. The security service creates a police-state in a space that is supposed to be welcoming, creative, and nurturing.