All information about fitness clubs inElyria on one page. If you are looking for more information about the fitness industry inElyria,OH, check out the detailed statistics below to get a better understanding of fitness inElyria. You can find a list of the best fitness clubs here. As you can see above, thereare a total of3 gyms located inElyria, including1 yoga class. Fitness clubs are filled with all the equipment to improve your health and well-being. Let's take a closer look at the fitness industry inElyria.

Most Popular Fitness Clubs inElyria


Powerhouse Gym Elyria

  • Address:419 Broad St, Elyria, OH 44035
  • Phone:(440) 284-0026
  • Reviews:15

Having tried all the gyms in Elyria, this by far makes the most connection with me. I love the environment, the people and the cool graffiti in the basement. If you're trying to better yourself, look no further!.... more


Inflight Yoga

  • Address:202 1/2 Ohio Street, Elyria, OH 44035
  • Phone:(440) 420-0505
  • Reviews:4
Inflight Yoga

I love this studio, it feels like I'm at home and the instructor is really knowledgeable and kind.... more


scorpion school of martial arts

  • Address:504 Middle Ave, Elyria, OH 44035
  • Reviews:0