davis mary
October 7, 2018 00:53
Over the span of few months from April 1, 2018 to October 7, 2018 the following is what I observed at this martial arts school:
1. On a VERY POSITIVE note, the instructor-owner, "Master Kim", engages the youngest students 3 years old and up exceptionally well. He is great at keeping the children mindful of their self-control. Master Gabriel uses all the positive words to all the children which i love to hear that also.
2. Exercises are done either with no targets (air strikes) or with target paddles that make a nice loud popping sound when struck properly. They use some kind of x-ray papers. However, the large kicking shields are virtually NOT used that much. Sometimes the paddles makes so much noise and it kinda bothers you to watch.
3. They Yell and scream a lot. I think it's good because my kids can't yell and scream anywhere. I'm sure kids want to express themselves sometimes. Even i want to join just to scream and yell and hit things so i can think of my boss and revenge him on the paddle.
4. The place is very clean and safe. I heard they are having renovation soon. Even Better for me.
The "Little Tigers" program is a GREAT VALUE.
My kid love it. I guess for now. But i will keep him until he gets a black belt because this is very different than other kind of activities.
All the instructors really knows her stuff on how to engage 3-4 year olds. "forms, basics (blocks, strikes, kicks), and street self defense" portion of his curriculum is indeed WELL ORGANIZED in stages for the belt-rank progressions.
I personally made few good friends for myself also. Some of parents are very cool.