Amanda Grace
June 9, 2018 17:25
They claim to be a community organization serving the community, but think it is fair to charge $57 a month for a parent and child membership for a woman who is disabled and is on public assistance. Then I discovered that with no contact or warning whatsoever, they began charging my credit card $100 a month instead!!! Searched the website for a way to contact, and it sends me around and around in circles. Evidently I cannot email them about this and will have to call on the phone, which I don't do, or go in there personally which is not going to be easy for me to do physically. It's 2018, people.
They do not increase daytime programs for children OR their "babysitting" hours when schools are closed or over vacations during the school year - a terrible decision for those of us who are single parents without the money for sitters.
I signed my son up for swim lessons and tried to take him there to swim with him myself, but the pool is so cold I cannot get in it, and after about 15 minutes my son's lips turn literally blue, he is shaking, and I have to take him out. If I sit on the edge, which is as far as I can get in without muscle spasms, the staff yells at me that I can't let my son in the pool without getting in with him. He's 9 and he can tread water just fine.
In the gym, there are always dudes slamming the weights down extremely hard at strangely random intervals and the guy whose job it is to stand watch over the gym never says a single thing to any of them. I have to leave when they start doing that because it makes my heart jump out of my chest every single time. The gym is also inexplicably filled with teenagers at random times when they should be in school. I am an extremely out of shape 37-year-old woman with severe anxiety and I had this crazy idea that if I go to the gym at oh, say, 10 am on a weekday, I wouldn't be surrounded by screaming teenagers.
All this and more, I can't go here anymore, and now I have to somehow get it together to go down there and argue with them about why they have decided it's cool to just start charging me $100 a month for no reason. This is no way to run a business, let alone a community service organization.