Erica Lasan
July 9, 2019 14:06
Wellvyl (also operating under STRVYN Inc.) and its CEO/Founder are very questionable. I will say that the concept of wellvyl is a great one-- and it was one of the reasons why i was initially so excited to join the team. It was very much in line with many of my personal goals and beliefs, the main one being: treat others the way you want to be treated. But while Wellvyl boasts of being an events and hospitality company catering to the health and wellness community it proves to be anything but. The mission is based around social wellness and community wellness and "good people," building community memberships, and doing events centered around holistically activating the mind, body and soul-- but here's the truth: the CEO himself doesn't follow his own principals and has some pretty questionable ethics/morals when it comes to running his business.
Within my brief time working there under contract the CEO (Chris Kreitchman):
-Never paid the full rate agreed on within my written contract
-Verbally changed my contract a number of times without following up with legal written updated agreements (which was written in my contract)
-Let go/Laid off at least 5 people on the team (it was basically only a team of 8 at the time) without giving any of them notice and then found reasons/excuses not to pay some of those employees (for work that was completed and invoiced)
-Called and laid me off out of the blue one day (which was fine).
We ended things on good terms, he thanked me for my work, said I was talented, and that he would want to hire me back once he got proper funding for the business. Only to call me back a week later with excuse about work not being completed (which was false) being a reason why he would not be paying me the balance for my completed invoiced work. Mind you, these were payments that he was already THREE WEEKS BEHIND paying! All of this and I'm a freelancing working mom of TWO young kids.
-Oh did I mention, he doesn't pay on time?
You can try to be kind and understanding-- which is how I typically operate, but apparently this is a pattern of his. Throughout my time working with the company, the CEO was always quick to speak about how many teams he'd managed with Wellvyl with a weird sense of pride (at that time he said between 7-8)-- which is obviously a sign of poor management. But what I came to realize is that it's more than that. He hires GREAT talent (as independent contractors) then works them dry and uses them to gain personal contacts, emails, and other things and then gradually lays them off. Based on my experience and what I've witnessed he plans and hires out for months at a time (trying to build out work into the future), and then once he can't afford it he gets rid of the team. But the company manages to stay afloat (in terms of keeping up appearances) with work that the team had already built out.
- Based on the amount of work that many of us were juggling, you can expect to work on average 12-14 hour days 6-7 days a week. You're always expected to be on call, and what's worst is that at the end of the week you never know what you'll be paid-- because he may never pay what the contracted rate is. You can do all of the work needed to hit the stated KPIs, but realistically he may decide that you're not getting results (though they're long term results).
-He tries to do a lot verbally so that he can rely on the argument of "hearsay"
- There is said to be plans of a building to house members so he can sell memberships. That plan has been in the works for months and has yet to happen-- and based on some of his practices, may not happen (though he's constantly seeking new investors).
...If this all isn't enough to make you want to run and take your time, energy, money, (and health) elsewhere, I'll end with this: FYRE FESTIVAL. If you haven't watched the documentaries (I highly recommend them)-- if you felt the business that company conducted was questionable at any point while watching, then you definitely don't want to engage with this company on any level.