Maggie Scruggs
October 18, 2017 10:58
I have tried 4 of YTTP studios in NYC hoping the teacher culture will improve. I found the teachers to be too nonchalant, sitting with knees up and arms crossed hardly projecting their voice, giving minimal explanation of poses, offering no modifications for intense poses like a bound ankle low lunge.
This studio stands for making yoga available to a wider range of the public by the flexible hours, locations, and price, but the classes omit even a simple balancing pose and instead sub a full bind in side angle. Students who didn't know what to modify this pose with looked discouraged and with no option but to stand there until it was over.
I have been a yoga student for a decade and have attended two teacher trainings and I can confidently say the most important element of yoga is making it individual so everyone can find something in it, and this studio fails to help students fit poses to their body.