Looking forCrossFit Templar locations inApple Valley? USLocalGyms helps you find all location inApple Valley,MN. There are a total of 1CrossFit Templar gyms inApple Valley. On the map below you can see all the locations of gyms in the city. Going to the page of the gym from the list, you can see the opening hours, services, read reviews of those who have used the services. If you have visitedCrossFit Templar inApple Valley, please leave a review about your visit. The closest locations to you are:14608 Felton Ct 109 & 110, Apple Valley, MN 55124

CrossFit Templar Near MeCrossFit Templar

CrossFit Templar

  • Distance:2.63 mi
  • Address:14608 Felton Ct 109 & 110, Apple Valley, MN 55124
  • Phone:(612) 860-4411
  • Reviews:19

Nice place. Good coaches. Not judgmental, excepting of all, crede, body type, domestic autos, all ok, etc.... It is a nice place and they got my business for a bit. Really couldnt do the scheduled workouts and wanted to change my membership to drop in.... more
