October 25, 2017 14:33
I have been coming here for a few months and I could not imagine a better experience. The atmosphere is friendly and the workout is great! When I started these classes I was weak, stick thin and couldn't even dream of protecting myself in a fight. Now I see definition in my arms and legs and my core is much stronger, improving my posture. Not only that, I feel like I could protect myself in the real world if something were to happen. On a side note....I went to pick up my 40lb bag of dog food today, carried it the entire way through Costco with barely any effort. The guy at the cash register couldn't believe it when I refused help to my car. I just didn't need help, I am so much stronger because of the classes here. This may seem like something small, but it's huge for me. The whole experience has done wonders for me physically and mentally. If you are on the fence about taking classes, don't be. You will not regret it.