Joshua N
October 25, 2017 15:23
WARNING WARNING WARNING. BLUF, do not use Kathryn Grace Knox's services, you are endangering yourself.
Within the last 60 minutes I left this Ms. Knox's place of business after a very one sided near physical altercation. In good conscience I feel it is my ethical duty to warn others.
There was a miscommunication regarding the services I was looking for, despite me clearing asking for it in a text message (which I will share). I was looking to have hair removal, a wax, for my honeymoon. I requested a wax, asked how much, she replied with the price. I don't think I am going out on a limb saying it would be evident to any normal person that she provides that service based on the conversation.
When I arrived, she told me to lay down on the table. For a few minutes she began shaving my back, so I asked, "are you trimming because it needs to be shorter to wax?" At which point she became very agitated, stomping around, wildly exclaiming she never agreed to wax (again, please see the photo of the conversation). She screams she had her own treatment she developed, etc. I even asked graciously, "ok, what is your method?" despite wanting to leave more than anything in the world. She lost it completely at that point. Ms. Knox begins screaming to get out and that I was barbaric for wanting something like that. This is all while I'm scrambling to get dressed.
Then she began threatening me. She starts lunging in my direction as I put my hand up to indicate she is being aggressive and I would take the bait. She says, "oh you are afraid I'll hurt you? I know how to hurt you." And pulls out a picture of her in uniform stating she is a Green Barrette." At this point I just want to safely leave without any physical interaction. However, she is a large woman and is blocking me from exiting, all while making these lunging motions, like she is going to take a swing at me any minute. She continuously repeats she never agreed to waxing and that it's barbaric and demanding money from me. I'm trying to find the text message but I think, what are you doing man just get out of there - it won't solve anything.
I put $20 down on a table and got the hell out of there. Unequivocally the worst 20 bucks I've ever paid for a service, but well worth it to avoid a physical confrontation.
And just FYI, yes I am fully aware that a woman has never completed the special forces qualification course. She probably had at least 50 lbs on me, think Tony Soprano's sister from the Soproanos, and is delusional to think she is special forces. At this point I'm seriously concerned someone is going to get hurt. Probably not the way you want your clients to feel walking out of your place of business.
Afterward, I begin to receive a barrage of text messages, threatening to release the video (because she apparently films everything). This video would only vindicate me, I probably come off as less of a jerk in the video than I do in this review!
Please, be wary of Kathryn Grace Knox, she is unstable and requires some help for whatever inner pain she is experiencing. This review isn't vindictive, I fear for the well being of anyone else considering using her services. However, to convey this message I had to take you through the broad steps.