All information about fitness clubs inBrockton on one page. If you are looking for more information about the fitness industry inBrockton,MA, check out the detailed statistics below to get a better understanding of fitness inBrockton. You can find a list of the best fitness clubs here. As you can see above, thereare a total of3 gyms located inBrockton, including1 boxing gym. Fitness clubs are filled with all the equipment to improve your health and well-being. Let's take a closer look at the fitness industry inBrockton.

Most Popular Fitness Clubs inBrockton


Planet Fitness

  • Address:715 Crescent St, Brockton, MA 02302
  • Phone:(508) 510-4936
  • Reviews:21

Clean quiet relaxing. All equipment 100% working order. No safety issues. Well staffed and managed. Opens and closes on a timely basis. Plenty of parking. Handicapped accessible. My kinda place.... more


Centre City Gym & Fitness Center

  • Address:81 Sterling Rd, Brockton, MA 02302
  • Phone:(508) 588-5325
  • Reviews:18

This is a professional training center that has excellent training equipment and accepts members at evert different level of fitness.The members surrounding you are the kindest and most considerate people you could ask for!.... more


Cappiello Brothers Boxing & Fitness

  • Address:162 Main St, Brockton, MA 02301
  • Phone:(508) 583-4303
  • Reviews:11
Cappiello Brothers Boxing & Fitness

The owner Mike Cappiello has taught Professional Champions but has the patience and love for teaching beginners. My wife trains there to learn self defense and build strength and my kids train there to stay in shape and to have FUN.... more