Frank Willis
April 29, 2018 09:44
I have been a member of LA Fitness for 10+ years. I have the membership that allows me to go to all the LA Fitness and let me say this one is clear and far the best one. Mainly because they are CLEAN!!! It's never a time I go in and see trash on the ground. Almost every time I go in they have at least 2 custodal workers wiping something down. The other ones in the area are cheap and do not have enough people on the clock cleaning.
This gym is the prime example of how an LA Fitness should be ran. The dumbell weights are always put in proper place. The soap dispensors are always filled to the top. At the other gyms they half fill them or will water down the soap to make it look filled. I remember taking a shower an another LA Fitness and watched the manager of the gym half fill the dispensor. Im not gonna say which one, but that was pretty stingy.
Lastly I wanna say, the only reason I go to the gym is because of the Sauna. Their sauna is not the hottest. They have an old unit, but I am able to heat up the room by pourning water on the walls and floor, and covering the termomter with some wet paper towls. I understand some people dont want the sauna stupid hot, but its dam sauna. The people that dont want it hot be sitting in there forever, and the room is not that big. When I heat it up, people are only able to be in there for 10 minuets max. It allows everybody to have a chance to get that good sweat in, because they can get packed. Some people complain, but really they just need to relax.