Joe Mallet
April 13, 2014 13:38
I signed up two weeks ago and I dread going here. I love working out, lifting weights, running etc. The motivation isn't the problem. It's the weasel manager. He's a stickler. I just jumped gyms from Lifetime to Charter because I wasn't using the entire facility for $60 a month it's not worth it. But now I wish I hadn't left. I'd gladly pay $60 a month to never see John at Charter Fitness again. Looking for a new gym.
Manager came up to try to belittle me for doing deadlifts. "You're 0 for 3!" because I removed my shoes (for best practice of form) used chalk (as to not rip my hands open with 325 lbs on the bar) and bounced the weights. As I politely suggested the gym should invest in some bumper plates to reduce the amount of noise the weights make when bouncing off the ground, John then condescendingly told me that he only asked me to be careful. Actually, no he didn't ever say anything even close to that. I used a towel to neatly apply chalk to my hands without it getting all over the gym, and I used soft fitness mats to protect the floors from the weights bouncing. I'd say I was actually being very careful and considerate of the other gym members and the staff.
Then I get rejected from the only flat chin-up bar in the gym which is "off limits" to personal training customers. I have never seen a personal training session in my time there. The room is in plain sight of the front desk, and as I was walking in, I held the door for a woman to exit after she did her kettle bell routine. No one said anything to her. Am I just being personally targeted?
Never at anytime during my orientation/sales presentation was it mentioned that I could benefit from this being a "nap safe" gym where you could quietly nap or read a book in the free-weight zone, which is ironically equipped with loud, hard, and heavy things called weights. Never at anytime during my sales presentation was I made aware of the extra personal training sessions I would be allowed to pay for at the price of $56 an hour in order to be near the pull-up bar.