Mike Helker
January 31, 2019 12:10
Been going for 1 1/2 years now. Amazing workout. Lost a lot of weight, gained some tone muscle and increased confidence. They do a variety of 1 hour group class types through out the day; Boxing, Kickboxing, BJJ and a calisthenics workouts with some kettle/dumb-bell stuff. Some focus on conditioning others are more technique. Size and skill of class ranges. Usually going to have some beginners and some more advanced in the same class of around 12 people and we tend to help each other out. Membership lets you do them all as much as you like (sometimes I will do two in a row). You will learn MMA basics and there is some light sparring, but if you want to be fight ready (learn more technique) then you'll need to do the private lessons they offer which are spendy. That's not a negative thing that is just reality that I think some people don't realize going in.