Jonathan Pizzolato
October 19, 2017 06:37
Listen this is a no frills, let's get your @ss in shape kind of place. It's probably going to remind you more of your high school weight room, than your local FFC/Equinox....for me that was the draw. I wanted to get back to my grassroots of training. And you know what, I have seen pretty good results. As an active Triathlon racer, biker, swimmer, runner, hiker, skier...I have surpassed the plateau I was stuck at while going to FFC. My bike speed is way up, my run time, way down, and weight loss with muscle gain is going better than ever without as much concentration on dieting.
Yeah, if I am in a bind, when the weather is horrible and I need to bike 40 miles, I go to FFC where I still have a membership...but I go to Reach to get results.