Thomas Gouard
September 2, 2018 15:41
Breakthrough Familyplex is a blessing to the East Garfield park neighborhood. It is fairly new to the neighborhood, and offers community programs for children to adult that live in East Garfield Park and surrounding neighborhoods. I compare Breakthrough to a YMCA, but minus the swimming pool because it offers similar programs. As a resident of East Garfield Park, it is heart-warming to see some of the opportunities it has for pre-schoolers and youth.
During most of my visits to breakthrough, I utilize its fitness center and free WiFi at Bridge cafe to do my college homework, which Bridge cafe sits inside the complex. Within my first few months of getting a feel of Breakthrough, I got the chance to educate myself on the volunteer opportunities also, which range from shelter, food depository and its fitness programs for youth.
With all being said, it is a win for the East Garfield Park neighborhood, and surrounding neighborhoods because it gives residents a positive outlet through its activities, and opportunities of growth for the youth & those that take part in making it better.
Thomas Gouard